Actions Speak Louder than Words

i’ve always enjoyed learning new languages. i dont really know why, i just do. i decided on my first day in Moldova that Romanian is a beautiful language and i would’ve given anything to be able to understand what the people around me where saying. but i had forgotten to pack Rosetta Stone so i just had to make do. early on into the week, we began to realize that no matter what language we spoke, kids are still kids. they want to play all day, be loved, and give love in return. i tried to learn little phrases throughout the week but mostly all i could do was smile and nod praying i wasn’t agreeing for them to jump off the roof. sometimes they would bring me a completed craft wanting to show it off and as i smiled my approval their precious faces would light up with joy as they ran off to show someone else. by the end of the week i wanted so badly to bring them all home with me but i couldn’t figure out how to get them in my bag…my group of kids were mainly 7 and 8 year olds which of course made them even MORE precious than they already were.  friday night ( i know i’m jumping ahead but oh well) i was sitting outside waiting for the service to start and the girls in my group started gathering around me until there were at least four of them in my lap. no one was talking…i was just sitting there rocking them and stroking their hair. it was one of the most peaceful moments of the entire week and so adorable. i was already in love with them but this was the icing on the cake and it made me realize that sometimes the best moments in life don’t require any words. simply being there for those you love is enough 🙂



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