Summer Thunderstorms

I used to hate thunderstorms when i was a kid. i would run to my parents room, jump on the bed, cover my ears, and scrunch my eyes shut to block out the thunder and lightning. well over the past couple of years i have gone to the other end of the spectrum and absolutely LOVE storms. i can’t even begin to describe how much i enjoy watching the lightning streak across the sky and the thunder crack. this afternoon as i was watching the storms roll across the sea, i was reminded of a verse in Psalms 19:1 that says: “the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” well today the heavens did declare His glory…i was reminded of how little i truly am in the big scheme of things. How I am so undeserving of His grace and mercy…i’m not saying you should actually go out and stand in the lightning next time it storms. that would be incredibly stupid. simply sit still and watch the lightning as it flashes. listen to the thunder as it rolls across the sky. I’m always overwhelmed at the MANY ways He has blessed me in ways i never even thought possible. next time there’s a thunderstorm, sit quietly and send a little prayer heavenward thanking God for giving us just a itty bitty glimpse of His kingly power 🙂ImageImage

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